Park Police

Pekin Park Police

Pekin Park District is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone who lives, works, and comes to play at our parks and facilities. All parks and facilities are protected by the Pekin Park Police, which comprises fully-trained police officers who balance traditional law enforcement with environmental stewardship. They work to keep our parks and facilities safe for you and your family by building relationships within our community.

Filing a Complaint

If you see vandalism, destruction, or suspicious activity on Pekin Park District property, please report it to us using the numbers or form below. We take our responsibility to keep you safe and our properties well maintained seriously. All complaints are thoroughly investigated and conducted promptly in accordance with local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and policies.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone who witnesses or has direct knowledge of vandalism or criminal activity may file a complaint. It does not matter whether the person making the complaint was directly involved in the incident.

How can a complaint be filed?

Complaints can be filed in several ways:

  • Email – Chief, Tony Maxison
  • Online Complaint Form: Click Here
  • Written Complaint Form:
    • Via mail: Pekin Park Police, 1701 Court St., Pekin, IL 61554
    • In-Person: Pekin Park Police, 246 Pavilion Rd., Pekin

How to contact us:

Pekin Park Police Badge and Logo

Report a Concern

Park Police Contact Form
Your Concern
Preferred Method of Contact