Every May as the weather warms up, the buzz over T-ball begins. Pekin Park District’s co-rec T-Ball instructional league is open to boys and girls ages 3 to 5 and is 100% focused on sportsmanship, early skill development, and having fun. Running from May – July, practices are held once a week with volunteer coaches and games are played on Saturday morning. Safety baseballs are used at all games and practices. Each player will receive a team color hat and t-shirt. Players must provide their own glove. Questions? Contact the Recreation Department at (309) 347-7275.

Find Your Fun
No matter the season, we offer fun and activities for everyone in the family. So, while your favorite Spring or Summer program activity isn’t currently available, please check out all the other fun that awaits you with Pekin Park District! Registration for Spring and Summer program activities will open in March.