PSA: Traffic Alert

PSA: Traffic Alert
March 1, 2025 Casey Smith

From the City of Pekin:

Good Afternoon Pekin!
Below is a press release that is going out today regarding the new stop light at Stadium Drive and Court Street.
Beginning on Monday, this light will be activated. As with any new light it will be flashing at first to make everyone aware it is there. PLEASE make note that East Shore and Stadium should STOP for traffic on Court Street in this initial flashing phase. PLEASE if you have a student at the high school, have a conversation with them about this and using caution when exiting the school. As with any new light there is an adjustment period. Use caution when entering Court Street. The press release explains the signage to expect and the time line. The light will be fully functioning by March 12th.
Have a great weekend!
Starting on Monday March 3, 2025 the contractor for the City of Pekin will start the process of activating the new stop lights at Stadium Drive and Court Street.
As part of the process the lights will initially be set to flash yellow on the mainline (Court Street) and red on the side streets (Stadium and East Shore), to alert the public of the new light.
“CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP” signage will be installed at Stadium Drive and at East Shore Drive. This is to indicate that the Court Street Traffic has the right of way and does not stop. Drivers exiting East Shore and Stadium should continue to stop for traffic until the lights are fully activated.
MESSAGE BOARDS will be placed on mainline (Court Street) and on the side roads (Stadium and East Shore) on March 3, 2025 stating, “SIGNALS TURN ON WED 3/12”
The signals will flash in this configuration from March 3, 2025 to March 12, 2025. On Wednesday, March 12, 2025, when the signals turn on, the MESSAGE BOARDS will read, “NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL / STADIUM DR. OPEN”. The message boards will remain in place for another full week until Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
As with all new construction there will be an adjustment period. Please use caution when traveling through the intersection while everyone gets used to the new signals. ALSO, be aware of the student drivers that might be exiting the high school.
photo of traffic light and the words, "Traffic Alert"